Special Collections is a department in the Richard E. Bjork library. It collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to special collections related to all aspects of Stockton and the general history and culture of southern New Jersey. It is also a Federal Depository for government documents.
The Digital Collections repository provides open access to Stockton's publications and historical documents, unique and specialized collections, and the intellectual and artistic work of the Stockton community.
Most materials in Archives and Special Collections are open for use by the general public, Stockton University faculty, students and alumni. In order to properly ensure the long-term accessibility and preservation of these collections, they do not circulate and must be used by researchers in the designated Reading Room.
The Reading Room is open Monday through Friday from 8am – 4pm. An appointment is preferred in order to locate and prepare materials for research. Please call (609-652-4532) or email.
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