There are a few reasons this could be happening. Consider some basic troubleshooting:
Pop-Up Blockers: Is there an active pop-up blocker in your browser? The link to the full-text article may be trying to open a pop-up, which is being blocked. Check the right corner of the browser's web address bar for an X icon, which lets you know something is being blocked. You can allow pop-ups from Stockton and EZProxy addresses.
Firewall/Web Accelerator Conflicts: Some firewall/router settings may cause conflicts. This can also occur if a web accelerator is being used on your system. If you use an accelerator, try disabling it to see if links begin working. Extensive technical troubleshooting may be needed to resolve these issues permanently. An error description of "proxy connection blocked – check firewall/router/accelerators" may indicate this is the source of the problem. Unfortunately, this is not something the library can fix remotely.
Other possible solutions:
VDI Service: ITS recommends you connect to library resources using their VDI service, which can be run as an installed client or a VDI app within your browser. When accessed using a VDI connection, library resources should work.
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